The Sleeping Princess : Smoky

Once apon a time, there was a little princess named Smoky.

Hi, I am a princess
πŸ‘‘ Hi , I am a princess. πŸ‘‘

One day, she went to a forest full of pretty flowers. When she walked into a house full of pizzas, she likes pizzas a lot too , so she took a slice and ate it, YUM!

But a big big big bug walked in front of her, and said : (Well, well well. What do we have here😈😈😈.)

Oh, it’s Smoky the princess, Mua HaHaHaHa! 😈😈😈

OH No! Smoky went to door and tries to open the door, but she can’t! The door is looked! Smoky is sooooooooooooo scared and worried. I won’t kill you. HeeHee. 😈😈😈 … The BIG bug made Smoky fall asleep…


10 Years later…


Smoky woked up … Yay! The Bug is Dead! I am free!

So Smoky lived Happily Ever After.


About the Story:

(Smoky was not really a princess )

(He went to a forest an got cursed by a BIG Bug. After 10 years he woke up and he was free so he lived happily ever after.)

Hi, games time!

Today in this first game of all is:


Arts and crafts with : socks that did not fit you , some coloured papers (at least 4 coloured papers),a pen and hot glue (ask an adult for help for the hot glue if you are a children ) ,cotten ,craft eyes and bends.


So we are going to make some puppets.

First take the socks and the coloured papers, put the socks on the paper and use the pen to draw a sock shape around the sockΒ  and do it again. Now stick the two sock shaped papers to both sides of the sock with hot glue (if you do not have any hot glue you can use glue),and stick the two craft eyes as the puppet eyes, and draw two hands and two legs on the rest of the papers. Cut it out. Use glue to stick it to the puppet,put cotten in the hole left on top,put the bend and tigh the hole up, and done!

Hillo! Everybody

See me? Come and dance with me!

Let us start now!

We are going to start with jumping up and down! 🦘upπŸ†™β¬†οΈand downβ¬‡οΈβ€΅οΈπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ”½!

So go!


Jump up HIGH and jump down LOW!

(now jump and SING together!)


Jump up HIGH and jump down LOW!

(yay you did it! great job!)


(now pretend to play with me! )


Play with JOY and be HAPPY!

(now pretend playing and SING together !)


Play with JOY and be HAPPY!

Yay you did it! See you soon!

Hi , Smoky is back!

HiπŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹I am back !

Now you are going to answer the question for the first story in level 1!Β  Sunflower seeds for breakfast!

Did Smoky like to eat (Sunflower seeds) or the (other food)?

Now keep your answer and let us check your answer !

Is your answer (sunflower seeds)?And if you say (sunflower seeds) you are right!

But if your is (other food),you are wrong. But it is ok. You can read the story again!

Yarn! Good nap everybody. See you soon!

Hi, I am Smoky!


I am  Smoky the hamster.

Today is a chilly day, so I am hiding under my wheel in my cage.

I like the seeds from sunflowers , they taste great.

So now in this app you are going to play and I am going to tell you stories too!

Some stories have games and some stories have question, there are levels too! The more you play and read stories with me, the higher level you get!

(you may not ad account in this app so you can go in without signing in)

(in this app you can play and read with your parents)

(for ages 4 to 80)

(adults can read and play too)

(in the app you can do more than just play with hamster and read with Smoky, you can also play games without reading , use your coins to get bigger cages so that there can be more hamsters living with Smoky , buy the facilities for the hamster cages and have lessons (you can dance with smokey ) too! )


Do you have a pet hamster? If you do , it would be great!

You can let your hamster see me (if you like)!


So let us start! πŸ‘πŸ₯³πŸ‘

Sunflower seeds for breakfast

Happy Wheel Exercise

cleaning bath

cozy nap

yummy food

please pet me